Oh. My. Gods.

Okay, I know, I should never ever ever EVER engage on “Very Demotivational”.  I know the fat wank in there is strong, yet I still try.  And I have to say that since I’ve started engaging, there’s less fat wank.  It still happens, but there’s more and more people calling bullshit to the fat wank, and less and less people thinking it’s okay to be internet bullies.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen at all.  Just there’s less.

Two days ago, a picture was put up.  A fat woman, at most likely a fair, standing outside a food vendor truck that’s advertising deep fried butter.  One of her hands is in the window (maybe paying, maybe getting something, can’t tell from the picture), one hand not and there’s nothing in it.  Oh the fat wank about how everybody knows how she gained weight.

(The picture is here.  Don’t read the comments if you like low blood pressure.)

At one point, I asked who’s business was it if she was, in fact, eating a donut (cuz, deep fried butter = donut, really).   At another, I put up “I am your mother” and stated that should be required reading for everybody who was hurdurring on fat people.

To that, here is one line of responses:


There is no excuse to be that overweight and buying something like that.

Really?  REALLY?  Being fat is being like Hitler now?

Being fat (for whatever reason) is just like killing millions of people in the most dispicable manners possible — torture, slavery, starvation.



Further down is the comment:


Ain’t no love for a fat chick . NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED!!!!!
If you want to eat something , try a gun

So, it’s okay to tell people to commit suicide because they are fat.  Wait, what was this about “we only say these things because we are concerned about your health”?  I guess if somebody gives in to the hatred and bullying and does as is suggested here, they won’t have to worry about their health any longer.

This truly has reached epic proportions of stupidity and hate.